Category Archives: Uncategorized

Awareness and compassion

I just witnessed something amazing. Outside my usual starbux, a homeless man frequents. I know this because I'm in this starbux A LOT. Its one of my writing haunts.
A woman walking her dog stopped and the dog greeted and played with the man as if with a long lost friend. This is happening while dozens of people walk by ignoring the homeless man, rendering him invisible.
What does it say when a dog is more compassionate than we are?
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Effecting Transformation

It has always been my belief that everything originates with thought. This has been confirmed almost daily for me in the last week or so. I know I am on the cusp of amazing happenings. My thoughts align with this feeling of impending greatness, knowing that in short order miracles will be unleashed, happiness will abound and joy will overflow.
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So I have been running 2 miles everyday. In addition to the series of 100: pushups, bicycles, squats and shin kicks. My knuckles( I do 300 punches on a makiwara daily) are currently mangled from tree work, who knew trees were so hard lol? The twist to all of this is that I recently purchased a weightvest from high quality vest worth every dollar). The vest I purchased allows me to go up to 50lbs, but I started at 30lbs and I'm working my way up. So to ramp up the training I'm doing everything with the vest on, I thought I was in shape until I started this a month ago. Will post the results over time. Stay tuned.
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