We live in a era of connectivity. Never before our time has communicating been so easy. I can on my phone, get the weather, check my email, call someone across the planet, schedule my day, surf the web, play a game, send a multiple texts and do this all before breakfast. We have arrived at a point where if we leave our homes without our devices we feel distraught and in many cases return to pick up said device. I remember the time when a cell phone was a luxury, now a smartphone is a necessity. Or is it? Continue reading Make Time to Unplug
Category Archives: philosophy zen
Im anxious today because Im close to finishing my book, at least the first of several books in progress. I realize that I didnt do this earlier because I had a fear of success that hindered my writing. Now that I am almost at the end there are a few conflicting emotions: anxiety, excitement,relief, a sense of accomplishment and most of all gratitude. I still dont have the eneding, but like the rest of the book im sure when the time comes to end it, it will present the ending to me.